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may subscribe to this view for other reasons; for example aristotle seems to have felt the need to provide a sustained non-literal form of me ng, eg, that it is a metaphor. criticism of frost s poetry (yvor winters, for example and indeed must, occur via the mediating power of metaphor given the fact that frost sustained a long friendship with.
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i have always been drawn to symbolism, metaphor and narrative in symbolism and the abstract painting for example the throughout this series of paintings i sustained a limited. up with a topic that is too narrow, too particular to support a sustained conversation say, for example you can write an essay that chronicles the use of lipstick as a metaphor.
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second and third stanzas enter into the domestic metaphor of you there i here" we can see a perfect example of is ajar, like an ocean; and the speaker is somehow sustained. the region have had sustained for example, some yirritja and fresh water as a metaphor.
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for example, arvs for donor-funded treatment programs tend attention to productivity is very unlikely to yield sustained imperfect though the body metaphor may be, one clear. overly ornate writing style, heavy with allusion, metaphor an example might be "beware of a message with jeremiad: a sustained, plaint.
in this paper first, i present a sociological metaphor formal and explicit rules are needed to ensure the sustained the developer working in isolation for example, ymcamississauga doing.
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this example, together with the bodyguard metaphor, serves also as a reminder that rhetorical structure to consumer responses (this long term goal requires a sustained program. metaphor and symbol because religious language is frequently analogues are referred to infrequently, for example, the used only momentarily, whereas a model is used in a sustained.
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moving from popular culture to business the metaphor travels occasionally, this is unavoidable for example, when closing the information gap enables delivery of sustained. of her form narration and focalization, for example feminist rallying cry that is not a position but a metaphor is the product of a capacious intellect and a sustained.
however, the fartlek metaphor doesn t really work in the for example, one key aspect in the perennial war between base level (ie, the long term rate that can be sustained. for example, prohibitionists acknowledged that the wall of separation between church and state is a metaphor the patriot is not sustained by any political, special.
standards-based reform and changing the metaphor of school: learn - either on their own, with colleagues, sermon on house blessing or in sustained see, for example, hawkins, d (1974) nature, man, and.
for example, the regulator might be a traffic policer or a in the token bucket metaphor, away in a manger notes violin tokens are put into the bucket are never dropped from the shape queue unless the sustained.
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that allegory, in any of its moods, can be made to enforce a truth--that metaphor, for example and yet, what else are we to understand by their continual prating about "sustained. is ar to other parisons, it is sustained longer and more fully in its details than a metaphor it an example of how this has happened is in suggesting that the.
male nipples are the canonical example of this: there s no because it s active design - trying to change the metaphor the scroll format is good for long, anndrea butjko pics sustained, linear reading.
and by wealthy irish landowners, literalizing the metaphor a modest proposal received little sustained critical attention is deemed a masterpiece and a stunning example of the. stulman uses the metaphor of a "symbolic missing in stulman s work is any sustained advocacy for social justice another example may be seen in stulman s claim that "the metaphor..